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Thursday, November 25, 2010

Ubuntu What?

People always say "Early bird catches worm" and "First come, First serve", but will it be the case when we talk about Microsoft Windows and Ubuntu Linux? Windows had been accepted in the society since November 20, 1985. Just like any other newbies or celebrities, you need to be so popular for you to be a Superstar. I asked my friends "Which one do you prefer as your OS, Windows or Ubuntu?" 9 out of 10 answered me Windows, and they said that it was the first time that they heard about Ubuntu. And I had an experience before when I need to bring my laptop to someone who could repair it because the OS had been crashed by a Virus, and when he returned my laptop to me, I was shocked because the OS had been replaced from Windows to Ubuntu. I said to myself "WHAT THE SH*T WAS THIS??!" I find it hard at first to use it and so I returned it to them and I told them to bring back my OS before. I asked them "Why did you replace my old OS?" They reason that "It's better, So your laptop won't be immune to virus anymore". It's just that I'm not comfortable to use Ubuntu because I'm already immune to Windows, and I think that It will be the reason of many people who are used on using Windows than Ubuntu. People always chose what's best for them, what makes them happy and ofcourse their comfort zone. And Ubuntu is also immune to virus, so he can't say to me that it's not. I also chose Windows as my OS instead of Ubuntu because I cannot put the games that I want in Ubuntu, and whenever I have visitors or relatives in our house that needs to borrow my laptop, they won't be confuse on how to use it. I'm not being harsh to Ubuntu, but let's accept fact that Windows is more popular than Ubuntu. But i do believe that in the coming years, Ubuntu will improve and It will be recognize by the people.


Friday, November 19, 2010

Top 10 Things i will do for a girl ;)

10. I will respect her and make her feel that she is the most important girl in the world for me
9.  I will treasure every second, minute, hour, day, month, year that I'm with her.
8.  I will tell her how beautiful she is everyday.
7. I will wake up early for her and cook her favorite breakfast.
6. I will sing her a song, play my guitar and share her my thoughts through music
5. I will hold her hands every time to show that my hands only belongs to her.
4. I will be her shield for every obstacles that she will go through
3. I will treat her not only a lady, but a friend, a person and a part of my life.
2. I will be faithful to her and won't hurt her, because If I hurt her, I'm hurting myself too.
1. And most of all, I will love her with all of my heart. That even if my heart stops beating, she will remain inside there.