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Thursday, March 10, 2011

Cmsc2 Experience

I was always excited to get this subject (Cmsc 2) because i was a Computer science before, and I use internet and computer everyday. It's like i cannot sleep if I didn't use my laptop, it's my everyday routine in my life. Having a lot of experiences when I was a Comsci student give me the edge on this subject, I was kinda familiar with HTML and CSS and I could say that I really love doing this. Thinking I know enough, my Com Sci professor proved me wrong, I really learned a lot on this subject, in terms of the places to go and to do on the Internet. I could also say that it was my favorite subject this semester, I had fun, I learned, I met new people and funny and great instructors. 
I will miss this subject (but i hope to pass), but I surely be thankful to every knowledge that i gained here. I'll forever be keeping the techniques and hopefully I could use this on my future job. 

Thank You Sir Mykmyk and Sir TJ :)

Sunday, January 2, 2011

2010 : NOT MY YEAR

It seems a good start of my 2010 because I'm contented with my life having my girlfriend that i love so much around. But kinda bored because after 2 weeks of Christmas vacation full of happiness, enjoyment, eating like no tomorrow, I'm back again to normal life and back to my Academic "Semi-Hell" life (semi-hell because exam week is the hell week) haha..

Hoping to have a happy Valentines day disappointed me so much because instead of having the best Valentines day, I had my worst Valentines day. The one I love had change a lot and decided to leave me. It was the first time that i ever felt that my world seems to fade and stop for i know that it's not gonna be the same way anymore. Love still continues from the moment I'm writing this blog and it will continue for the rest of my life, it will forever be here, it just won't grow anymore.

 March is the last month of my 1st semester 2009-2010 in UP, (Wonder why my 1st sem) because I'm batch 09 B.. but supposedly 09-A. (Don't ask, It's a long story. haha). It's the month of final exams, such a week full of anxiety hoping to pass all of my subjects for my very 1st sem.. And thanks to God i did ;)


I was having 2nd thoughts on getting a summer class or staying at home enjoying my vacation.. (But i decided to stay home to rest after my first stressful life in UP.) Me and the rest of my family went to a beautiful resort for the celebration of my cousins graduation, It was fun! and full of memories. And so my first month of vacation was a blast!



  Things are getting boring  this month and I'm still missing the presence of my ex-girlfriend.



 Start of classes again! Happy because i had the same schedule with my bestfriend..
SHOWING OF The Twilight Saga ECLIPSE (My favorite movie!)


This month made me realize that life in UP is kinda fun sometimes, when think of that way and when you have a same schedule with your bestfriend, (We have the same lunch break and we go home together) so we can hang out more :)

Midterms! Field Trips! More projects, I had the most memorable project from Hum2 that i did with my Traceans friend. It's the light painting..



The most awaited Banamos Festival!! (Battle of the bands, Miss Banamos, Bayle sa Kalye)

I started Dancing :)) 
It was a bit trying hard but i don't care as long as it serves as my exercise and it makes me feel better.. 

 And it was the celebration of the 18th birthday of my bestfriend :) we got to bond again with our beloved high school friends!


I ended the year lonely but with a bang! I celebrated my 19th birthday being drunk for the first time and hopefully the last time in my whole life. Christmas vacation was amazing! (More foods, enjoyment, parties, swimming)

And so life taught me that even in my lonely years, there will still be a reason to smile and keep my life going on and on and on.. =D
And that was my year 2010 ;)

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

UPLB Christmas decoration :)

 Every year, UPLB never fails to impress everyone with their beautiful Christmas decoration. This year, many people from different places came to see the giant Christmas tree, the wonderful belen, and the amazing Santa Claus with his reindeer! Me and my friends gathered to witness this unforgettable Christmas spirit and took some pictures to be forever seen by everyone (But the decoration seems beautiful at night, and the pictures that we had during the night sucked because our digital camera looses it's battery and we had no other choice but to use cell phones for pictures)
Giant Christmas Tree :)
--We all know that Christmas Tree most represent the spirit of Christmas time. It stands for love, peace, family, sharing and giving and that's why majority of the people will have their Christmas Tree at home and little children are excited to put some decorations and the shining star at the top of the tree.. But to see this kind of Christmas tree is fascinating, with giant gifts around it! That's why i wasn't surprise that i saw many tourist during we took this pictures :)

Santa HO HO HO
*$anta Claus*
--When i was a kid, i actually believe that there's a real Santa claus, hoping to visit me during Christmas Eve! (I didn't mention that Santa will appear in our chimney because we don't have one, I'm not gonna lie. hahaha) but i do believe there's a real reindeer bideaway.. It's a nice idea for UPLB to have this Santa decor with his reindeer on it because children would have a high percentage of believing a real santa. haha :)

--A Filipino tradition, a representation of the birth of our very own Jesus Christ. Very simple but beautiful spirit of Christmas, because Christmas is really for Bro!(Jesus) It's his birthday, and i appreciate this Belen that centralize the decorations of UPLB.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Ubuntu What?

People always say "Early bird catches worm" and "First come, First serve", but will it be the case when we talk about Microsoft Windows and Ubuntu Linux? Windows had been accepted in the society since November 20, 1985. Just like any other newbies or celebrities, you need to be so popular for you to be a Superstar. I asked my friends "Which one do you prefer as your OS, Windows or Ubuntu?" 9 out of 10 answered me Windows, and they said that it was the first time that they heard about Ubuntu. And I had an experience before when I need to bring my laptop to someone who could repair it because the OS had been crashed by a Virus, and when he returned my laptop to me, I was shocked because the OS had been replaced from Windows to Ubuntu. I said to myself "WHAT THE SH*T WAS THIS??!" I find it hard at first to use it and so I returned it to them and I told them to bring back my OS before. I asked them "Why did you replace my old OS?" They reason that "It's better, So your laptop won't be immune to virus anymore". It's just that I'm not comfortable to use Ubuntu because I'm already immune to Windows, and I think that It will be the reason of many people who are used on using Windows than Ubuntu. People always chose what's best for them, what makes them happy and ofcourse their comfort zone. And Ubuntu is also immune to virus, so he can't say to me that it's not. I also chose Windows as my OS instead of Ubuntu because I cannot put the games that I want in Ubuntu, and whenever I have visitors or relatives in our house that needs to borrow my laptop, they won't be confuse on how to use it. I'm not being harsh to Ubuntu, but let's accept fact that Windows is more popular than Ubuntu. But i do believe that in the coming years, Ubuntu will improve and It will be recognize by the people.


Friday, November 19, 2010

Top 10 Things i will do for a girl ;)

10. I will respect her and make her feel that she is the most important girl in the world for me
9.  I will treasure every second, minute, hour, day, month, year that I'm with her.
8.  I will tell her how beautiful she is everyday.
7. I will wake up early for her and cook her favorite breakfast.
6. I will sing her a song, play my guitar and share her my thoughts through music
5. I will hold her hands every time to show that my hands only belongs to her.
4. I will be her shield for every obstacles that she will go through
3. I will treat her not only a lady, but a friend, a person and a part of my life.
2. I will be faithful to her and won't hurt her, because If I hurt her, I'm hurting myself too.
1. And most of all, I will love her with all of my heart. That even if my heart stops beating, she will remain inside there.